January 1, 2025

3. Spiritual Undirection – Saint Speedo

This one is admittedly quiz and trivia heavy, but we still make plenty of time to discuss whether or not we should stone a modern prophet for false asteroid predictions and which ancient holy person you should pray to for help with your hemorrhoids. A serious moment or two also on how to experience the presence of God.

Discussion Starters: Is Jerry (AKA Jer Bear) Feeling God? Who are the new patron saints of quiche, broken shot glasses, and disappointed fathers? Brooklyn Dodgers rise to the world series. Pat Robertson’s impeccable prophetic record. Catholic people or Anglican institution? Are Lauren Dagle and Foreigner Christian or Secular?

Send some advice and love to Jer-Bear: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20201013013817AAxzdXw